Think that Louis Vuitton purse from that powerseller is authentic because they have a high feedback rating? Think again. Just because a seller has 500 feedback, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are trustworthy. Some unscrupulous sellers will sell hundreds of $.05 recipes (usually as private auctions) to get a high feedback rating, and then use that rating to sell fake designer handbags. They can also use this tactic to bury negative feedback from the buyers they fleeced, since they know that many potential buyers will look through the first few pages of feedback, but will probably not bother to wade through everything to find the negative ratings.
So, to get the
real scoop on a seller, you might find this
negative/neutral feedback filter from useful. Keep in mind that many buyers might leave neutral feedback on a fake bag because they fear getting a negative rating in return, so read the comments carefully. Also, check the completed auctions of that seller to see what they sold in the last 30 days. Even private auctions will show up here, so if you see 50 recipes for blueberry pancakes, back away slowly, and for God's sake, don't bid!
Receipts also don't mean much, as there are many kinds of software being offered out there that will generate counterfeit receipts.
Lastly, don't fall for the "money-back guarantee on authenticity" scam! Most sellers require written documentation from the store stating that the item is fake, which they NEVER give. Even if they do take the item back, many will charge an outrageous "restocking" fee of up to 30%. Which, of course, was their goal all along.
Oh my, how did I end up on this soapbox again? I just hate it when people are cheated out of their hard-earned money. Please be careful when bidding, and keep in mind that sites like will check photos for authenticity for a fee of $5, so verify before you bid!
And if any of my dear readers here are contemplating a Vuitton bag online and are unsure of whether the item is real, drop me a line. I'm not an expert with vintage or special order pieces, but I can usually spot fakes with the more readily available stuff within the last 5 years or so, and I would be happy to help.
Shop safe!