Handbags for the rich and dull
Am I the only person who is confounded by the popularity of Fendi bags? I find them rather boring and dowdy.
Consider the Zucca and Zucchino print bags, for example. I take one look at them and think "Meh." For close to a thousand dollars, I'd think you would want a purse that elicits more than a feeling of distant apathy.
Fendi just isn't very innovative with their handbag line. On the rare occasion when they do design outside the box, it seems to go hideously awry:
Dubious thanks to the Bag Chick for scraping this bag off the bottom of someone's shoe and introducing it into our future nightmares.
Photos courtesy of eluxury.com
Consider the Zucca and Zucchino print bags, for example. I take one look at them and think "Meh." For close to a thousand dollars, I'd think you would want a purse that elicits more than a feeling of distant apathy.
Fendi just isn't very innovative with their handbag line. On the rare occasion when they do design outside the box, it seems to go hideously awry:
Dubious thanks to the Bag Chick for scraping this bag off the bottom of someone's shoe and introducing it into our future nightmares.
Photos courtesy of eluxury.com
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